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Evelyne Mcneal

Blog entry by Evelyne Mcneal

So, you're thinking about making a splash in your kitchen isn't it? What better way to start with focusing on the kitchen cabinet design. Kitchen cabinets, my friend will determine the overall look of your kitchen's style. Here's a quick overview of why they're vital to design and function in you kitchen design.

At first, your kitchen cabinet design as well as your general kitchen look must blend together. Think of your cabinets as an ensemble; they have to be in tune with the rest of the kitchen--modern as well as traditional or something in between.

wordpress.orgThere's real research in interior design that suggests the cabinets of your kitchen will affect how big (or the size) your kitchen appears. A study published in the Journal of Interior Design found that when cabinets are in sync with the other elements of the kitchen this makes the space appear larger and inviting. Cool, right?

Now, let's chat colors. The hue of your cabinets can drastically alter the ambience in your kitchen. If you're looking for the airy and fresh look then light-colored cabinets are the option. If you're looking to create an comfortable and warm look choose darker shades. According to an Houzz survey white cabinets remain the best choice, but two-tone styles are also receiving more attention.

Now, a kitchen's gotta be more than just good-looking--it's also a must to work efficiently. This is where some technological equipment comes in. The National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA) has set guidelines for the ideal size and arrangement of cabinets in order to make sure that they're as easy to use as is possible. Also, depending on the type of items you're keeping, you may require drawers with deep compartments for large pots, or glass-fronted cabinets that show off your fancy glassware.

Also, don't forget to think about space. Innovative kitchen cabinet designs will help you make the most of your storage. An investigation in Ergonomics even claims that floors-to-ceiling kitchen cabinets are good for decreasing physical strain and increasing accessibility.

Material choice is also super crucial. The durability of your cabinets as well as their appearance will depend on the material used. Solid wood offers a chic appearance and is durable, but can be more expensive. MDF is more budget-friendly and mimics wood but might not stand well to the effects of humidity.

And lastly It's the small things to consider. The hardware you pick--handles, knobs, or pulls can tie the overall look. And here's a fun fact Research has revealed that these tiny details, like the design and appearance of your cabinet hardware, may alter the way you perceive an area in your kitchen space.

And there you are, kitchen cabinet design is an amalgamation of style alongside practical considerations and some pretty cool science. If you're embarking on your kitchen design adventure, remember that you're going to love it, as your kitchen should be a reflection of your personal style. It's Your space, your way of life. Then, get started on creating the kitchen that's just as fantastic as you are!


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